Papers must not exceed 20 pages, including abstract, all figures, all
tables, and references. Papers should include a short abstract and up to 6
keywords. Submitted papers should follow the formatting instructions of the
Springer LNCS Style (please check the Information for Authors page at Springer
at for style and formatting
Submitted papers may not be submitted for conference publication, journal
publication, or be under review for any other conference or journal. For any
questions regarding this matter, please contact the program chairs.
Submissions will be handled via the conference web page at You will be requested to upload the
file of your paper (PDF format) to the conference server (please avoid
bitmaps!). Please also fill in the appropriate information in the online form.
Camera-ready paper is due on August 31, 2007 (this is a *hard*
Formatting your manuscript
Papers must not exceed 20 pages, including abstract, all figures, all
tables, and references. Papers should include a short abstract and up to 6
Please check the Information for Authors page at Springer at
http:// for style and formatting
guidelines. Camera-ready papers MUST follow the formatting instructions
of the Springer LNCS Style.
Submission of your manuscript
No later than August 31st, please submit the following files:
.(a) Completed copyright form.
.(b) Source (input) files:
. (i) For example, LaTeX2e files for the text and PS/EPS or PDF/JPG files for
all figures.
. (ii) Any further style files and fonts you have used together with your
source files and that are not generally available at CTAN.
. (iii) Final DVI file (for papers prepared using LaTeX/TeX).
. (iv) Final PDF file (for reference).
. (v) RTF files (for word-processing systems other than LaTeX/TeX).
You should create a compressed file (.zip, .tar.gz, tar.Z) with all these
files, and submit the compressed file through the JEMS system.
Additional Information
When sending your final files, please include a readme informing which of your
names is/are your first name(s) and which is/are your family name(s). This is
particularly important for Spanish and Chinese names. Authors are listed
alphabetically according to their surnames in the author index.
Contact author
Please send me the name and email of the contact author. I have to provide
Springer with this information. Springer will send a copy of the final pdf of
each paper to its contact author.