For exact time and date for each session please refer to Program Overview.
Monday November 26, 2007
Tuesday November 27, 2007
Keynote I: [9:00am-10:00am]
Chair: Nalini Venkatasubramanian
Middleware Should Think Globally and Act Locally
Mark Hapner, Distinguished Engineer and Chief Web Services Strategist
Sun Microsystems
Session 1: Component-based middleware [10:30am-12:00pm]
Session chair: Gordon Blair
R-OSGi: Distributed Applications through Software Modularization
Jan S. Rellermeyer (ETH Zurich),
Gustavo Alonso (ETH Zurich),
Timothy Roscoe (ETH Zurich)
Argos, an Extensible Personal Application Server
Arne Munch-Ellingsen (University of Tromsø),
Dan Peder Eriksen (University of Tromsø)
Anders Andersen (University of Tromsø),
Compadres: A Lightweight Component Middleware Framework for Composing
Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems with Real-time Java
Jie Hu (University of California, Irvine),
Shruti Gorappa (University of California, Irvine),
Juan A. Colmenares (University of California, Irvine),
Raymond Klefstad (University of California Irvine)
Session 2: Ubiquitous and Mobile
Computing [1:30pm-3:00pm]
Session chair: Roy Campbell
SIPHoc: Efficient SIP Middleware for Ad Hoc Networks
Patrick Stuedi (ETH Zurich),
Marcel Bihr (ETH Zurich),
Alain Remund (ETH Zurich),
Gustavo Alonso (ETH Zurich)
Vector-Field Consistency for Ad-hoc Gaming
Nuno Santos (INESC-ID/Technical University of Lisbon),
Luís Veiga (INESC-ID/Technical University of Lisbon),
Paulo Ferreira (INESC-ID/Technical University of Lisbon)
Correlation-Based Content Adaptation For Mobile Web Browsing
Iqbal Mohomed (University of Toronto),
Adin Scannell (University of Toronto),
Nilton Bila (University of Toronto),
Jin Zhang (University of Toronto),
Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto)
Experience Papers Session [3:30pm-5:00pm]
Chair: Peter Honeyman
Got Predictability? Experiences with Fault-tolerant Middleware.
Tudor Dimitras (CMU) and Priya Narasimhan (CMU).
Dynamic Information Flow Tracking for Multi-Process Web
Application Security.
Susanta Nanda (Stonybrook Univ.), Lap-chung Lam (Nether Networks),
and Tzi-cker Chiueh (Stonybrook Univ.)
INFORM: INtegrated Flow ORchestration and Metascheduling for
Managed Grid Systems.
Gargi Dasgupta (IBM India Research Labs) and Balaji Viswanathan (IBM
India Research Labs).
Poster/Demo Session [5:00pm-6:00pm]
netEmbed: A Service for Embedding Distributed Applications
Jorge Londoño(Boston University), Azer Bestavros (Boston University)
Placement of Replicated Message Mediation Components
Ying Li (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), Rob Strom (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center), Chitra Dorai (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Design and Implementation of a Lightweight Encryption Protocol in
Ubiquitous Computing Environment
Sang-Hyun Park (Chungnam National University), Choong-Bum Park (Chungnam
National University), Hoon Choi (Chungnam National University)
Ethnographic Studies as a Requirement Gathering Process for the Design
Context Aware Middleware
Kristian Ellebaek Kjaer (University of Aarhus)
Suitable EAI Architectures are Necessary to Fit Interoperability
Challenges of SMEs in Less Developed Countries
Gerald Knoll (Fraunhofer IPA), Karsten Tolle (Universitat Frankfurt Am
Main - DBIS), Claudia Guglielmina (TXT e-solutions)
Using Sound for Monitoring Wireless Sensor Network Behavior
Deeksha Ganju (Wayne State University), Loren Schwiebert (Wayne State
A Service-oriented Middleware for Providing Context Awareness and
Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos (University of Twente),
Peter Vink (Philips Research), Remco Poortinga-van Wijnen (Telematica
Discovering Social Services in Pervasive Environments with Privacy
Sonia Ben Mokhtar (INRIA), Pierre-Guillaume Raverdy (INRIA), Roberto
Cardoso (INRIA), Aitor Urbieta (Mondragon Unibertsitatea), Nikolaos Georgantas
Multiple Routing Configurations Demonstrator: IP Fast Reroute in Practice
Tarik Cicic (Simula Research Laboratory), Ole Kristoffer Apeland (Simula
Mobile Medical Diagnosis: An m-Health Initiative through Service
Continuity in B3G
Letian Rong (INRIA), Thomas Wallet (Pragma Consultores),
Manel Fredj (INRIA), Nikolaos Georgantas (INRIA)
General Purpose Fault Injector for CORBA Applications
Mohammad Alsaeed (Newcastle University), Neil A. Speirs (Newcastle
Industry Panel [6:00pm-7:00pm]
Challenges in Middleware for Search
Chair: Prof. Ramesh Jain (UC Irvine)
Michael Parekh (Investor in Internet Companies)
Wei Ma (Microsoft Research)
Michael Ortega-binderberger (IBM)
Wednesday November 28, 2007
Session 3: Grid and Cluster Computing
Session chair: Walfredo Cirne
New Worker-Centric Scheduling Strategies for Data-Intensive Grid Applications
Steve Y. Ko (University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign),
Ramsés Morales (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),
Indranil Gupta (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Interactive Resource-Intensive Applications Made Easy
H. Andrés Lagar-Cavilla (University of Toronto),
Niraj Tolia (Carnegie Mellon University),
Eyal de Lara (University of Toronto),
M. Satyanarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University),
David O'Hallaron (Carnegie Mellon University)
Garbage Collecting The Grid: a Complete DGC for Activities
Denis Caromel (INRIA),
Guillaume Chazarain (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, CNRS - I3S - Univ. Nice Sophia
Ludovic Henrio (INRIA)
Session 4: Enhancing Communication
Session chair: Gustavo Alonso
XenSocket: A High-Throughput Interdomain Transport for Virtual Machines
Xiaolan Zhang (IBM Research),
Suzanne McIntosh (IBM Research),
Pankaj Rohatgi (IBM Research),
John Linwood Griffin (BAE Systems)
Creating Private Network Overlays for High Performance Scientific Computing
Edward Walker (University of Texas at Austin)
A Cost-Effective Distributed File Service with QoS Guarantees
Kien Le (Rutgers University),
Ricardo Bianchini (Rutgers University),
Thu D. Nguyen (Rutgers University)
Session 5: Resource Management [4:00pm-5:30pm]
Session chair: Bettina Kemme
R-Capriccio: A Capacity Planning and Anomaly Detection Tool for Enterprise
Services with Live Workloads
Qi Zhang (Microsoft),
Ludmila Cherkasova (HP Labs),
Guy Mathews (HP Labs),
Wayne Greene (HP Labs),
Evgenia Smirni (College of William and Mary)
AVMEM - Availability-Aware Overlays for Management Operations in
Non-cooperative Distributed Systems
Ramsés Morales (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),
Brian Cho (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
Indranil Gupta (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
iManage: Policy-Driven Self-Management for Enterprise-Scale Systems
Vibhore Kumar (Georgia Institute of Technology),
Brian F. Cooper (Yahoo! Research),
Greg Eisenhauer (Georgia Institute of Technology),
Karsten Schwan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Work in Progress Session [2:00pm-3:30pm]
Combining Ontology Queries with Text Search in the GloServ Service
Discovery System
Knarig Arabshian (Columbia University),
Henning Schulzrinne (Columbia University)
Privacy-Aware Service Discovery for Pervasive Computing
Roberto Cardoso (INRIA),
Sonia Ben Mokhtar (INRIA),
Aitor Urbieta (Mondragon Unibertsitatea),
Valerie Issarny (INRIA)
A Middleware Architecture for Unmanned Aircraft Avionics
Juan Lopez-Rubio (Politechnical University of Catalonia),
Pablo Royo (Politechnical University of Catalonia),
Enric Pastor (Politechnical University of Catalonia),
Cristina Barrado (Politechnical University of Catalonia),
Eduard Santamaria (Politechnical University of Catalonia)
SOVoIP: Middleware for Universal VoIP Connectivity
Mohammed Arif (The University of Melbourne),
Shanika Karunasekera (The University of Melbourne),
Santosh Kulkarni (The University of Melbourne)
BAD: Bandwidth Adaptive Dissemination
Manos Kapritsos (University of Patras),
Peter Triantafillou (University of Patras)
Resource Discovery in Federated Systems with Voluntary Sharing
Hao Yang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), Fan Ye (IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center) Zhen Liu (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY)
November 29, 2007
Keynote II: [9:00am-10:00am]
Chair: Renato Cerqueira
Meeting the Challenges of Ultra-Large-Scale Distributed Real-time and
Embedded Systems with QoS-enabled Middleware and Model-Driven Engineering
Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt, Vanderbilt University
Session 6: Reliability and Fault Tolerance
Session chair: Hans-Arno Jacobsen
Middleware Support for Adaptive Dependability
Lorenz Froihofer (Vienna University of Technology),
Karl M. Goeschka (Vienna University of Technology)
Johannes Osrael (Vienna University of Technology),
Consistent and Scalable Cache Replication for Multi-Tier J2EE Applications
Francisco Perez-Sorrosal (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid),
Marta Patiño-Martinez (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid),
Ricardo Jimenez-Peris (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid),
Bettina Kemme (McGill University)
CLASP: CoLlaborating, Autonomous Stream Processing Systems
Michael Branson (IBM Systems and Technology Group),
Fred Douglis (IBM TJ Watson Research Center),
Brad Fawcett (IBM Systems and Technology Group),
Zhen Liu (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY),
Anton Riabov (IBM Watson Research),
Fan Ye (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Session 7: Asynchronous Communication
Session chair: Paulo Ferreira
A Policy Management Framework for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Middleware
Alex Wun (University of Toronto),
Hans-Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto)
Hybrid Dissemination: Adding Determinism to Probabilistic Multicasting in
Large-Scale P2P Systems
Spyros Voulgaris (ETH Zurich),
Maarten van Steen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
A Utility-Aware Middleware Architecture for Decentralized Group Communication
Jianjun Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology),
Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology),
Lakshmish Ramaswamy (University of Georgia),
Gong Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology),
Calton Pu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Programming Wireless Sensor Networks with the TeenyLime Middleware
Paolo Costa (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),
Luca Mottola (Politecnico di Milano),
Amy L. Murphy (FBK-IRST),
Gian Pietro Picco (University of Trento)
Plenary Panel [4:00-5:00 PM]
What have we learned from Middleware R&D in the last 15 years? What's next?
Chair: Fabio Kon (IME/USP, Brazil)
Gordon Blair (Lancaster University, UK)
Brian Cooper (Yahoo! Research, USA)
Paulo Ferreira (INESC, Portugal)
Peter Honeyman (CITI, University of Michigan, USA)
Gian Pietro Picco (University of Trento, Italy)
November 30, 2007
Tutorial: [9:30am-12pm]
The design of a reliable message distribution service
for Google.
By: John Reumann, Google